Saturday, July 19, 2014

The WHERE: Chevy Burgers

 Me and my brother decided to head of to Marikina to go back to Boyong's hoping to sample their "pesto" spaghetti this time. It was post typhoon glenda-day and we were feeling glum and hungry from waiting for power to come back (there was virtually no electricity since that morning).

Arriving at Boyong's, we were a little disappointed to find it closed for the day, (although we already figured that it could be a possibility before going there) we just didn't want to believe it but it was. So we decided to walk back feeling a little defeated. On our way though we happened to pass by Chevy Burgers which we've already seen before but never really tried. I personally have never heard of the place and was reluctant to try it since I usu. go for those that have been recommended or have good reviews online. But since there was no harm in trying, we were really hungry and we've already traveled, we went ahead and ate. 

It's a small place located a little past Boyong's where E. De la paz intersects with other streets. The place was packed and could only hold as much as six groups or less with the amount of chairs and tables that they have. Thankfully, when we came, a few people were already done with their meals so we didn't have to wait for long to get our seats.

The menu has 3 categories (burgers, sandwiches, and pasta). We decided to try to diversify our choices as much as possible to maximize the experience but upon learning that they were limited since they suffered from the outage as well, we went with what they had and ordered the ff: 1 chick and burger, 1 chicken sandwich, 1 messy melt, 1 very spaghetti and 2 iced tea's.

Frankly, I wasn't really expecting much from their cuisine since a) I've never read about it and b) I was really looking forward to eating at Boyong's. To my surprise though, I found most of their food delicious. It may seem a little more pricey than the usual but I think depending on what you order, it'll surely be worth it.

Let's start with the negatives. Upon receiving their pasta, I dug in. I found it just satisfactory to my tastebuds. It was good and that's just it. I could have done without it though and for the price of php95, i think it's a little too steep, i think jolibee would have been better choice but my brother reasoned out that apparently, they used legit ingredients in making it such as using tomato paste or something instead of cheap ingredients like ketchup. If thats the case then its fine but not something I'd order again in the future since I just didn't enjoy it. The taste was normal, just how I'd expect spaghetti to be but incase you think otherwise pls comment below.

Next onto the goodstuff, I tried their chick and burger next and basically what it is, is a burger made of chicken spread, lettuce, tomato, and a homemade patty. I haven't really jumped into the whole "homemade" patty thing since I don't really like the way they usually taste but I'm really starting to reconsider that now after eating here. They place a generous amount of toppings onto your burger and  each of those are really fresh and tasty. Also I noticed that they opened really late at 3pm and that must be the reason why their ingredients are so fresh since they are only prepared in the morning. Hence, they're cleaner, crispier and less likely contaminated.

Next is the chicken sandwhich, which I shouldn't have really ordered because basically it was the chick and burger minus the burger patty plus some cucumber. Although it in itself is a really delicious treat and would be a good substitute for those wanting to keep things light. I was able to appreciate the chicken spread they used in making those sandwiches more when I ate it. Which had just the right balance of chicken meat, mayo, cheese and whatever else is in there (since im not really sure but I tasted a hint of pineapple i think). The toast was made just right, the ingredients were fresh and plenty. What more could any guy ask for right?

Tried the messy melt next which my brother seemed to really enjoy as he was already singing praises about it as he ate his share. It consists of a bun filled with a burger patty, mushrooms, bacon, some lettuce, melted cheese and some kind of spread although im not really sure what kind. It was also good for the price and like the name suggest the cheese is quite messy but overall the dish is delicious. Each ingredient working in harmony to give the best taste possible.

Lastly, I'd like to take note of how well made their iced tea is. It's not any flavor I've ever encountered before (and trust me, I love drinking that) I could not guess the particular brand for sure so I bet its something they cooked up being established way back in 1988.

All in all the experience was surprisingly great. I totally don't feel bad on not being able to eat at the other place from before. And I'm really glad I gave this place a chance. The prices may be a little high but the food is good and being able to cater to customers post typhoon is just really noble and outstanding. 9/10. :)  

PS All photos are legit. Credits belong to me and my brother. Copyrights apply.

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