Saturday, July 12, 2014

The WHERE: Boyong's Buffet

I have been picking on my brother for a day already(or more, i think) to take me out on a foodtrip. I heard of this awesome place in Marikina that served awesome food for legitimately low prices.

Boyong's Buffet or more commonly known as Boyong's is a little hole in the wall foodstop on E. Dela Paz St. in Marikina. We had to take a jeepney going there from Katipunan for only php8.50 

It was 8:30pm then and we were racing for time since we knew from research(Lol) that it closes at 9pm. Arriving at the place, it was as expected a full house. They only had a few tables but we didn't wait too long to get one so its all good. I made a beeline for the counter cause I knew beforehand what we wanted. Looking at the menu though, I noted that the prices indeed were reasonably affordable with the array of burgers available together with other sandwiches and a few selections of pasta in varying flavors.

We were supposed to get Pesto's. It being the favorite among goers. They ran out :( So we got the next best thing instead. Carbonara. We also tried the Grilled Cheeseburger and the Hungarian sandwich. For the minimum price of php100-150, you already have a hearty meal that's sure to fill you up.

The Carbonara was delightful. Just creamy enough and light to taste but definitely not bland. With bits of charred bacon, some ham and those seasonings for the price of php100, it was a knockout. The pasta tasted exquisite as if served from a fine dining restaurant. It was very impressive. The serving looks small because the plates are too big but you'll definitely feel full after eating it. 

We sampled the Hungarian sandwich next and found it really worth your coin for a hefty php55 only. Its a big sausage, slightly spicy but definitely much bigger than the regular jollyhotdog. The taste is good. I'll give it a 7/10. Nothing out of the ordinary there except that theres enough of the hotdog(too much maybe) to go around. I have to say though that its much tastier than your regular hotdog joint and it makes you wonder how they serve such quality hotdogs for a cheaper price when others can't(yes i'm talking about you Jolibee LOL) but what the heck. It's a filling meal on its own and the price itself makes it worth buying already. (I suggest they try grilling the hotdog though that may make things interesting)

Lastly, we had the Grilled Cheeseburgers. This apparently being a crowd favorite among visitors. Even the famous Kris Aquino has taken a bite and had good things to say when she visited the place a few months back. Personally, I say its okay. I like the fact that their patties are homemade and that makes for a healthier snack. It wasn't greasy which is good(we don't like them fatty oils) and it was just enough to fill you up if thats your only order. I don't know. The taste didn't really do it for me. It was good but nothing special. Maybe because I tried it last and my palate/tastebuds were already sated by then but I'm not so sure. I was hoping for something more that'll maybe make it live up to its hype but it was just what it was. A burger. Well maybe I was already full then(which I really was) so I'll try it out next time and see if my opinion changes. This shouldn't dishearten you to try it though because for the price of php40. You get a very decent meal. I do vividly remember liking the cheese very much so. Yeah we'll see.

Boyong's is definitely one of those places that you should visit if you want a decent(bordering classy) for a very affordable price. It's easy to get to and you can ask around for directions in case you get lost cause someone is sure to point you to the right direction. After all its famous. I even dare say that it has a lot of visitors not only from marikina as I saw a lot of cars parked just outside the place even if the street was small. People really make the effort to dine there. If your looking for a great meal without sacrificing your budget, Boyong's is the way to go.

PS we really wanted to try the halohalo which we read online that was supposedly big serving for only php40. Too bad they weren't selling it that day. Ofcourse there's the pesto too. I'm definitely coming back for you two :(

PPS we also ordered the Aligue pasta as takehome for our Aunt. I've heard some good things about it so we wanted to give it a try too. The pasta was really good. Its also light and not too overpowering in taste. It wasn't greasy and was really filling. You can taste the crab in every bite. Its a good substitute esp. if your lactose intolerant. 

Kuya's "Just looks grumpy but really I'm not" face :P  

PPPS  Having a big brother is awesome for many reasons. First he treats me to food alot. I know he's been saving up for his gf but whenever we chill out or bond outside, he always ends up paying. Haha Second, he's my partner in crime. Whenever I get into trouble(which is always btw) I can always find comfort in telling him all my shit without fear of ridicule/judgement. Third and lastly, although I know it pisses him off like crazy when I borrow/use all his shirt/clothes, he still finds it in his heart to forgive me. (Then he secretly uses my clothes behind my back to get even. Haha). Though we never quite understood each other, I know I'm lucky to have him as my homie. He's the guy I tell all my secrets with besides my best buds. Yes we don't always get along when it comes to what we like but we're always there at each others back when the need arises.

PPPPS Most pictures were taken by me although some are from other sites. All copyright belongs to their respective owners ofcourse. :)

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