Saturday, July 19, 2014

The WHERE: Chevy Burgers

 Me and my brother decided to head of to Marikina to go back to Boyong's hoping to sample their "pesto" spaghetti this time. It was post typhoon glenda-day and we were feeling glum and hungry from waiting for power to come back (there was virtually no electricity since that morning).

Arriving at Boyong's, we were a little disappointed to find it closed for the day, (although we already figured that it could be a possibility before going there) we just didn't want to believe it but it was. So we decided to walk back feeling a little defeated. On our way though we happened to pass by Chevy Burgers which we've already seen before but never really tried. I personally have never heard of the place and was reluctant to try it since I usu. go for those that have been recommended or have good reviews online. But since there was no harm in trying, we were really hungry and we've already traveled, we went ahead and ate. 

It's a small place located a little past Boyong's where E. De la paz intersects with other streets. The place was packed and could only hold as much as six groups or less with the amount of chairs and tables that they have. Thankfully, when we came, a few people were already done with their meals so we didn't have to wait for long to get our seats.

The menu has 3 categories (burgers, sandwiches, and pasta). We decided to try to diversify our choices as much as possible to maximize the experience but upon learning that they were limited since they suffered from the outage as well, we went with what they had and ordered the ff: 1 chick and burger, 1 chicken sandwich, 1 messy melt, 1 very spaghetti and 2 iced tea's.

Frankly, I wasn't really expecting much from their cuisine since a) I've never read about it and b) I was really looking forward to eating at Boyong's. To my surprise though, I found most of their food delicious. It may seem a little more pricey than the usual but I think depending on what you order, it'll surely be worth it.

Let's start with the negatives. Upon receiving their pasta, I dug in. I found it just satisfactory to my tastebuds. It was good and that's just it. I could have done without it though and for the price of php95, i think it's a little too steep, i think jolibee would have been better choice but my brother reasoned out that apparently, they used legit ingredients in making it such as using tomato paste or something instead of cheap ingredients like ketchup. If thats the case then its fine but not something I'd order again in the future since I just didn't enjoy it. The taste was normal, just how I'd expect spaghetti to be but incase you think otherwise pls comment below.

Next onto the goodstuff, I tried their chick and burger next and basically what it is, is a burger made of chicken spread, lettuce, tomato, and a homemade patty. I haven't really jumped into the whole "homemade" patty thing since I don't really like the way they usually taste but I'm really starting to reconsider that now after eating here. They place a generous amount of toppings onto your burger and  each of those are really fresh and tasty. Also I noticed that they opened really late at 3pm and that must be the reason why their ingredients are so fresh since they are only prepared in the morning. Hence, they're cleaner, crispier and less likely contaminated.

Next is the chicken sandwhich, which I shouldn't have really ordered because basically it was the chick and burger minus the burger patty plus some cucumber. Although it in itself is a really delicious treat and would be a good substitute for those wanting to keep things light. I was able to appreciate the chicken spread they used in making those sandwiches more when I ate it. Which had just the right balance of chicken meat, mayo, cheese and whatever else is in there (since im not really sure but I tasted a hint of pineapple i think). The toast was made just right, the ingredients were fresh and plenty. What more could any guy ask for right?

Tried the messy melt next which my brother seemed to really enjoy as he was already singing praises about it as he ate his share. It consists of a bun filled with a burger patty, mushrooms, bacon, some lettuce, melted cheese and some kind of spread although im not really sure what kind. It was also good for the price and like the name suggest the cheese is quite messy but overall the dish is delicious. Each ingredient working in harmony to give the best taste possible.

Lastly, I'd like to take note of how well made their iced tea is. It's not any flavor I've ever encountered before (and trust me, I love drinking that) I could not guess the particular brand for sure so I bet its something they cooked up being established way back in 1988.

All in all the experience was surprisingly great. I totally don't feel bad on not being able to eat at the other place from before. And I'm really glad I gave this place a chance. The prices may be a little high but the food is good and being able to cater to customers post typhoon is just really noble and outstanding. 9/10. :)  

PS All photos are legit. Credits belong to me and my brother. Copyrights apply.

The WHO: Saoirse Ronan

There is something in the way this doe eyed lady acts that moves and captivates her audience.

She is like Dakota Fanning (in my opinion) when it comes to her skill in the craft. I have only watched a few of her movies and in each she never fails to deliver her characters well. At the tender age of 20, she has already received atleast 2 oscar nominations and a handful number of awards from various institutions gaining the title of an "Acting sorceress" as described by one of her critics.

I really love the way she expresses her emotions. Even with her eyes alone, her tone of voice and actions, she can deliver. And when she delivers, she delivers all emotions so powerfully. Whether it be joy, anger, sorrow you name it. She can give it to you raw and have you begging for more.

Personally, I have only watched the ff. films and I think she always shines in each. Do check them out and see for yourself.

*The Lovely Bones 
- she plays the victim and she plays it beautifully. I think this might've been her breakout role. Her initial fear, then despair and anger came clearly thru even in scenes where she barely speaks at all. 

- I barely remember this movie but I do remember feeling very impressed that she can be such a versatile actress at such a young age then. She plays an assassin in the film and her acting roles shows how much potential she can be and what a force to be reckoned with she is in the acting world. She played the role really well even the fight scenes which were a lot.

*The Host
- playing dual characters can be so difficult but she manages to do that and even convices the audience that she is two persons in one body. While the story may not seem all brilliant, she was able to give color into it and I believe no other person could have done the same. Halfway within the movie, you forget she is just one actress portraying two roles because she plays it so well. The internal struggle between two persons in one body is soo palpable and real, you'd most likely believe its happening. 

*How I Live Now
- I haven't really watched the movie but it was from the trailer I watched of this one that convinced me to write about her. I just can't believe that she still isn't out there enough. I mean she's a talent goldmine capable of handling virtually any role you throw at her. Her versatility in itself (not to mention she's easy on the eyes too) should have been enough to land her any role she could ever want. It just seems to me that she may be underrated and I feel bad for the wasted talent. I hope I see her more in the future. I can tell she has soo much more to offer and she will definitely grow more (although she's already so wicked good) in acting.

Looking at her photo. I never realized she was so beautiful. I feel a crush coming on.

PS other than that, I'm hoping to watch the ff. too; Death defying acts, Violet and Daisy, City of Ember, Byzantium and Atonement.

PPS Most of these photos are from the internet. Copyright rules apply.

The WHAT: FM's TAYC "Kiwi Ice cream"

So I talked about my family mart ice cream experience with their raspberry flavor back in june. Now I'm back for their Kiwi flavor which I vowed I'd try. 

It was post gym day (naks) where I usually tend to be hungrier than usual. On my home, I passed by our usual kanto and after eating some innards (atleast 4 sticks) and 2 toknenengs (eggs wrapped in flour) I still felt hungry. But this time, it was for dessert. 

Remembering how (badly) I wanted to try the Kiwi flavor back then. I rode a jeep straight to UP town center.

After buying and consuming the Kiwi flavored treat, this is what I have to say. It was delicious. Everything that I was looking for in flavor (that the raspberry lacked), I found in Kiwi. The taste is really hard to describe and I'm sure I'll forget about it in the future but to put it in perspective, it has a fruity taste. Not too sweet and it had the sourness in it which I really liked. The flavor is something like candy to me and I really really liked it. Its still milk based but you barely notice it. And most of all, you can tell it was made with quality ingredients and not all sugar. I even finished the cone which I don't usually do, just cause there was some ice cream on it.


I just wish there were more Family Mart shops built around the metro and more specifically here along katipunan because I don't like that I have to ride a jeep or take long strolls before I get my ice cream fix. It's so taxing but on the otherhand, the ice cream is worth it anyway and I get to lose the extra calories I just ate when I get it, so yeah I'm kind of ambivalent about the whole thing. haha

I will definitely buy me some more in the future. Try it out for yourself (While the flavor is still available) and tell me what you think. :))

The WHERE: King Sisig

I was supposed to have my glasses fixed before school started which was fast approaching that July 14. Having no one to accompany me, I asked my Kuya to come with me to Recto where I usually have mine done.

Unlucky for us, we left the house really late due to communication problems. When we arrived in the section where people usually sell/fix/make glasses, most shops were already closed. We had to settle for the ones in the malls. So heading to Isetann Recto, we were lucky enough to find one which was still open. And so, I was able to get new glasses, although it was a little bit more expensive.

During the wait (while the glasses were being created), we had a stroll around the mall and we happened to pass by this new foodshop called King Sisig. Usually I am averted to eating in malls because I feel that most of the foods there aren't really worth the penny for me. I mean I like getting my money's worth so whenever I do dine out, I would usually search for good places to eat first and then take my pick depending on the reviews available coming from different people. I was intrigued to try this one though, because I saw that as opposed to the other foodshops in the mall, this one was packed full. So I urged my brother to try it with me and he agreed (thankfully).

As with any food adventure, in places you've never tried or heard of, it is good to ask what other customers loved best (bestsellers). So based on the cashier, we ordered their Lechon Sisig. We also tried this green drink which they offered in pitchers (I think it was lemonaide or something). They have cool promotions like unli-rice and you can alter the spicyness of your meal from: mild, medium, hot, extra hot and super hot. We chose those as well. The prices aren't really expensive, at most its php200 for a full meal. They also had a variety of sisig to choose from aside from the usual chicken, pork and seafood. I think there was tapa and others but we both only really wanted their bestseller which we went with.

Click me to zoom in :)

The place is actually big and can rival that of famous foodshops in the area like Jolibee or Mcdonalds. We were lucky enough to find seats because a lot of people were still coming in even though it was atleast an hour from closing time. 

Bigger servings next time pls.

Digging that Kiwi drink ;)

The serving size was a little off for me. I wish there was more of it because hey if you compare it with others (like sisig hooray for example), It shouldhve only costed php80 or something based on the size (in my opinion). Although taste wise, it was very good. I liked my lechon sisig very much. It wasn't too salty and they didn't put too much fat in which usually would make me or anyone think otherwise in eating it. The meat is crispy and tasty. It was served hot and the aroma itself made my mouth water immediately as it was served. It's a definite place to go whenever you need to get your sisig fix. I mean I'd definitely eat there again when I get the chance. I even went as far as getting rice refills (atleast twice), although I've already promised I wouldn't eat so much as I am on a diet. Their green juice (whatever it is) was surprisingly delicious too. I'm glad they offered it in pichers and I like the fact that you get your moneys worth from it as the juice is concentrated (Atleast for me. I had to pour atleast 2 full glasses of water to dilute it so it tastes normal) when you get it. 

In summary, I liked the experience even though we've sampled only a few of their goods. I definitely will go back there if ever I get hungry for sisig (which I honestly do from time to time). I'll even try that tapa sisig for sure. :)

PS the crazy tasting green juice is actually Kiwi flavor according to my Kuya.

The WHO: Panic! At The Disco

 I've always loved this band. They will always have a special place in my heart and in any device I have that can store/play music. Introduced to me by my lifelong bestfriends in highschool (B-unit: Ged Canonizado and Kyle Laluces) in the year 2005, their music sort off became our unofficial tune while growing up.

The band, based on the stories I've heard was discovered by another favorite band of ours (Fall-Out Boy). Their first album (A Fever You Can't Sweat Out) is just pure genius. Think of it like this. Have you ever had a CD where you actually enjoyed and liked all the songs in it? Well this is one of those for us. Although they have ridiculously long titles, their songs are just so captivating when it came to the tune, add to that lyrics both cryptic and meaningful. Unlike most artists, they don't give everything away. Listeners derive meaning based on how they understand each song, depending on how they can personally relate to them by experience. The message they send in each are raw and unadulterated, hinting of dark and dangerous things which I find very bold and realistic as they tackled (I assume) topics that are usually considered taboo in conversations. They do it too in such a playful manner with hints of sarcasm in between which I find refreshing and interesting and I think you will too if you check their videos.

Their 2nd album was a downer for me though. It wasn't all too good. They seem to have completely changed their sound which was kind of disappointing. They really sounded totally different and more indie as compared to their first. Although now that I think about it, everyone has to mature at some point and maybe that was theirs. So I may try listening to them soon to see if my mind changes about it. Their most recent album though (Too weird to live, Too rare to die) is a good comeback. I considered a couple of songs in it as my favorites including Ms. Jackson, Collar Full, Vegas Skies and Nicotine. Although I don't like listening to all of them, It's safe to say I enjoy most of what they offer which is really good in general but then again that's just me. Listen to them and tell me if you think otherwise.
Brendon with Pete from FOB
Personally, I have to admit. I was an outcast back then in high school. Never really fitting in to any particular clique and was always the odd one out because I was different. And maybe it was true. I knew that but even so, that realization didn't make things any better or didn't make me any less lonelier about the situation. I have this particular memory of our field trip in 3rd year. I've told my friends about this a million times and I never will tire of saying it again and again.  We were in Enchanted Kingdom and I was with my pseudo-friends who I thought valued me as a friend of equals of sorts at least but for some unknown reason they decided to ditch me as they went off on their own. So there I was the only kid left to enjoy a theme park which was meant to be explored with friends. Have you ever felt alone in such a crowded place? I sure did that time and it was much more painful for me because I saw everyone else with their respective friends all smiles, making memories while I was left on my own with no one in particular to bond with. Lucky for me those people (B-Unit) found me and took me in. I can say it was one of the best memories I have with them. They took me in without hesitation and throughout the years have treated me as I expect a real friend would. I have been loyal to them ever-since. A lot of things have happened since then, We may have grown but never apart. This band reminds me of those times. It tells me that I am never alone and there will always be people who love and understand me for who I am and what I do. That's why I love this band. That's why this band is special to me. 

Fast forward, its 2014. At least 9 years past since I've learned about them and their music. Looking at things now, They still are an all time favorite not only by me but my friends as well. Their first album forever a classic. We play them whenever we chill, hangout or just talk. It's surprising how much they are a part of our growing up, our memories, and basically our lives. When I listen to them, I always remember good memories/good vibes and that is something I will always treasure. Surely to us, They are more than just a band. How about you guys? Do you know of artists/musicians which makes you feel this way? Comment below. :) I'd love to hear about them.

PS Pictures were "borrowed" online so all copyright claims are valid and will be accounted for.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The WHERE: Foodstops At Surigao

An adventure wouldn't be complete unless we sample the local cuisine and see which one we found best right? I'm pleased to say though that not only did we travel in style when we did but we also ate at the best places too. Here are the following famous foodstops on our trip to Surigao Del Sur.

* Big Daddy's 

Offering affordable dishes in varying combos. Big Daddy's was our first stop in our quest for good food. They have a big selection from budget meals to expensive hamburgers and sandwiches of your choice. 

Ate mentioned they are known for their steaks which are a little over/under php100. The serving size was enough and the food is delicious (depending on what you picked). You can also get free refills for their dips/sauces too. Ate, Kuya Vince and Kuya Charles opted for the steak while I chose a spicy pork dish. I also asked for chicken soup. Personally, I should've made the same order as them because frankly I found mine to be quite lacking. I mean the difference in serving size of their meal to mine was palpable. I also regret ordering the chicken noodle which for php30 was also unsatisfactory, I mean I couldh've just bought and cooked 2 instant noodles instead and that'd be better. And in terms of taste, mine wasn't up to par when it came to being spicy.  The steaks tasted really good when I sampled it further proving I made the wrong choice. Although I must admit mine tasted ok naman  when dipped in their delicious vinegar pero mas masarap padin yung steak eh. Oh well. The cakes we ordered for dessert though tasted really nice. We had a caramel one and another in pistaccio flavor. I liked the caramel better though. All in all the meal was good. I'd say 8/10. The customer service is really nice. They we're all warm smiles and accomodating. The food isn't perfect but for the price, it's as expected.

* Weegools

After visiting the National Museum and locating gift shops for soveigneers, we decided to eat here when our previous option(I forgot the name) was closed for renovation. It was the guards from the National Museum that pointed us there. It was just a few steps away you see.

The place is rather homey. The style is a little offbeat although color wise everything matches their chicken mascot. It's spacious enough for a big gathering of atleast 100 people. I like that they have this duyan on one side of the place. The washing area consisted of playful jars instead of the standard faucets. One big no-no though was their comfort rooms which were rather unkempt and is in dire need of a good scrubbing. 

The food is really good. We tried their very own version of the chicken inasal. And it sure was tasty. The chicken is well done and soft to bite. The portions are also large enough to keep you full. It wasn't costy and definitely worth it for it's price. 

For desert, we ordered their halohalo which was served in a buko shell. It's tatsy but I feel it lacked some ingredients and wasn't all too fresh. To sum it up, the experience was good although nothing too special. I'd give it an 8/10.

* Gail's

We ate at Gail's after our tiring trip from Tinuy-an Falls. The place is located on the town nearby. The place is big enough for atleast 5 families. Its airconditioned which was perfect. The food are a little bit pricey but the serving size are very big and you definitely get your money's worth with the taste. We ordered their fried chicken which they boasted as an all time favorite, we also added Pancit guisado and last but not least the "Mutya ng Bislig" soup. 

I can honestly say that Gail's among all our foodstops proved to be the best of them all. The chicken they served were nicely fried and the portions were big enough that you'd be full with just one. They use magnolia chicken for it btw, no wonder its so big and is of good quality. The pancit guisado wasn't all too bad. I'd have to say might have tasted really well too but was overpowered by the other dishes served. I do remember that the noodles were soft and cooked just right as well as they placed a generous amount of toppings on it. Lastly, the Mutya ng Bislig was awesome too. Its made out milk and tasted somewhat of macaroni soup except its served with a variety of seafoods in it. I liked how creamy it was without being too overpowering. The seafoods consisted of shrimps, squids, tahong and others which was succulent, maintaining their own individual flavors and contributing to complete the delicious taste of dish.

Mutya ng Bislig
When it came to dessert, they allowed me to order Guyabano shake. I really like and miss that fruit especially since its so rare for us to get some even in Manila. When they served it, oh boy did they exceeded my expectations. The shake proved to be too solid for drinking and doubled as a sorbet instead. Whoever made is was awesome. It definitely was the cream of the crop when it came to dining there. It was fruity without being too sweet. I can't explain it. I can only justify though that it my scoring could skyrocket further than 10 if possible solely because of this drink. I just really loved it. My siblings agreed with me too.

* Margie's Bakeshop Cafe

Before boarding our flight back to manila, we decided to squeeze in our last few bits of cash left and try out this quiant little shop. There are a lot of postings online regarding how good the desserts here are so we tried some of their best sellers. 

 We ordered a black forest tiramisu and a caramel cake I think. Honestly, It was pretty ok for me. I mean it tasted good but having tasted others cakes as well. It was nothing short of ordinary. The place is located insde the robinsons mall. Its cozy. The prices are a little high and. The serving size a little too small for my liking. I'd give it a 6/10.

PS Most of the picture aren't mine and are borrowed from random sources online. Same rules on copyright follows. Was not able to get as much pictures at Big Daddy's because I was way too tired then from arrival and At Margie's Cafe because we we're rushing to get to our flight. :)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The WHY: Updates Updates Updates :) LEVEL UP!!

My sister recently uploaded her end of our pictures when we went to Surigao!!! I'll be updating most of my Surigao posts then!! :)) Plus I'm keeping up with the remaining to do blog posts afterwards. There's a ton of movies, food places and stuff I wanna share pa. 

Also I tried writing for IMDB a while ago for a movie I liked. Personally the experience was enlightening. I was limited to 1000 words only. I used to think I could never reach that quota but apparently I could and when I did, It was surprisingly engaging yet disappointing at the same time. I have so much to say and there's the good and bad in that. All in all, I'm going to try to practice the "less is more" concept from now on. Just making things concise, short and straight to the point. Everyone has to step up sometime in their life right? I'm making this one mine. It's time to level up.

The WHAT: Riley Rewind

There are just some things that you can't stop doing just because you enjoy them. Whether it be a sport, a hobby or some weird talent. If you love it, then you'll own it. And no one else shines with that particular spark as Anna Akana.

This talented girl is unstoppable. From scriptwriting to acting and even directing. All together at the same time! Whoah! The horizons are wide for this dreamer whose slowly turning her dreams into reality. She has already caught the hearts of many as seen in the continuing growing number of followers in her social media. Her videos alone on youtube are certified hits. With her charm, talent and down to earth thinking, she'll surely conquer the world, one heart at a time. 

Last year she together with other fellow youtubers released the mini-series called "Riley Rewind" which stars Riley Brown portrayed by no other than Anna herself who is not your typical school girl/loser trying to survive the drama that is highschool while harboring a secret. She can turn back time! Joined by a team of actors and actresses playing various colorful roles. Watch her as she goes about life balancing school, drama and magic.

Check out the actual videos in 5 small acts via Anna Akana's channel or her then beau RayWilliamJohnson's channel.



Basically the story is about a girl Riley Brown aka Riley Rewind who tries to survive highschool while dealing with a secret. She can turn back time. Only her best(gay)friend Jay knows about this and they are pretty cool. At first Riley is seen trying to win the affections of her crush but then fails epicly. After that she goes about her day. Nothing special just your run in the mill highschool prom issues. Act 1 ends when a girl Angela considered to be an outcast in their cliques is seen commiting suicide. 

Act 2 shows Riley contemplating her gift. As explained in the previous episode, using gift takes its toll on her body as it damages her and gives her pain. She tries her best to undo things by befriending Angela hoping she could change her mind therefore her future. 

Act 3 shows how jumping back in time has affected a lot of events(Jay no longer has Quinn for a date) and whats worse despite her efforts  Angela still commits the unthinkable. 

Act 4 shows Riley all shaken up trying to move on from the truth and at the same time helpless about her situation. What good is a power if it can't save people? A series of unfortunate events lead her to discover a bomb set to destroy not only prom but all those in it. 

The last act was the cream of the crop. It features Riley doing the best she can to save the people in prom by jumping back in time to discover who set the bomb and why in the school of all places. After discovering that it was the disabled guy Edward Baker who secretly liked Angela aka Suicide chick. Riley strengthens her resolve to commit a lifethreatening time jump risking herself to save everyone. Despite being weak, she is able to succeed and change the whole scenario around with Baker going out with Angela who no longer commits suicide thus no more school bombings for prom in the horizon. Also all is set right as closet queer Quinn ends up with Jay and Riley with her geek of a night Trevor. Seems like its a happy ending for our surprise heroine and the end of the mini series as planned but lo and behold, the menacing men in black as seen in Act 3 which Riley artfully dodged before reappear only this time they prevent her from jumping back as the scene closes. What of our hero? Does this mean there's a season 2. Hopefully. 

Have you ever done something you wish you could undo? Being human, chances are you probably do. But wouldn't it be great of there was like a reset button or a back button just so that we could go back and change those moments? Or would it?

It's a question of morality really. After all we learn from out mistakes so won't turning back time even if it were possible ruin those learning moments? And even if we could, sure enough like in the story something else is bound to change. Is it worth the price? It is really a grey area for me. Somehow I think there maybe somethings that I wanna change. Some of them small (like how i'd bring an umbrella if it rained unexpectedly or ride that semifull bus that came first instead of waiting further as buses that came after were completely filled to the brim) or big things (like always when I do something I know is bad like eating someone elses food or worse spilling secrets). But then there's another part of me that says otherwise. That this is just how life is and I should deal with it and learn from it instead because as they say experience is the best teacher. After all, we have to realize that life is unfair and that's what makes it oh so special. It is fleeting and permanent, which makes every little thing, every decision worth it. And besides won't it be cheating if it were possible, because instead of making up for our mistakes, we take the easy way and rewind them as we please. That will be just sad as nothing is no longer permanent. Nothing ever truly good nor evil. Nothing.

Just like how events shifted and how Riley's body suffers every time she jumps back, I believe everything has a price. That's why instead of being reckless why don't we think before we act, after all every action big or small has the ability to change everything.

Personally I love the concept of the show. Time traveling has never been portrayed in such an interesting manner as Runaway Machines did. Yes it may seem like a recycled topic but they did an awesome job at making it modern and fresh. I really do like it. Considering this as amateur work doesn't even cut it as it can be said that the people behind this have truly outdone themselves and are in dire need of a well deserved pat in the back. Kudos to you guys for your awesome imagination and turning that imagination into reality. 

The storyline/plot although predictable was easy enough to follow and understand. It's the first season and its their first time in all this so its understandable but I can say that it was definitely well written as it was able to push its story thru to people.

The acting was good. The delivery of the lines especially by Anna Akana was awesome. Sure she needs a few polishing here and then in some scenes but that can be forgiven as she was able to meet the standards or outdo them most of the time. The same can be said for most of the characters. Actually, thinking about it now I think most of them did really well as I can't find any single one that I remember thinking "oh my! This one's acting sucks". That in itself shows how everyone took their parts seriously no matter how big or small their screen-time. Lots of shining moments too esp. from the character Jay in episode 5 when he told off Riley for being so reckless. It was heartfelt and you can tell there was sincerity in it. Riley on the other-hand was able to keep the energy up on that scene as she explained her side albeit emotionally. That scene really moved me. It was kind of unexpected but  a welcomed surprise none the less. The facial expressions were all good.

I like how I learn something from her whenever she opens her mouth esp during her excerpts every starting scene. It just show how well thought out it was and how imaginative and talented the person is. She not only funny but you learn a thing or two from her too. Its a win win situation. The video was funny to watch too. All the punchlines were epic.  It wasn't boring at all and proceeded at an appropriate pace(heck even my Aunt can watch and I'm sure she'll get it)

The music used were spot on. They were able to hit all scenes with the right song choice I believe. Everything was in perfect harmony. The opening and ending cuts were really good too. It did not look amateur at all. This seriously passes for a good movie. Considering it may be low budget and the actors, actresses handled a lot of different jobs as they went their way like Anna had to juggle acting and polishing the script and all must've been nerve-wracking but she did an awesome job. All in all its a perfect 10 for me. Some of you may argue with that but hear me out. This has a lot of heart and you can tell they poured their souls out in making it. I'm just giving it the praise it deserves. Yeah it may have flaws but the flaws make it genuine. It's perfect.

PS I just wish they'd pursue continuing the series as it left the 1st season with a cliff hanger. I'm itching to know what happens next. Pls pls pls support the writers/actors/actresses.