Sunday, August 30, 2015

A real camp out at REAL Quezon

Impromptu days like these. :)
My sister and her boyfriend decided to have a campout at real quezon. They've done it before but this time they're bringing me and my brother too.

Real quezon. I don't really know much about the place but I was dead set to go on this adventure. It's my first time camping out. Literally.

I can barely remember how we got there but if memory serves me right, we took a bus going to quezon somewhere in manila. The ride took a few hours (I think 6 or 7hrs to say the least). I just remember worrying about needing to go to the bathroom and how hot the weather was back then throughout the whole ride. Anyone who plans to make the trip should carry a powerbank with them just so that you dont run out of battery along the way. i remember employing my best efforts to conserve mine since I didnt have one back then. I ended up turning my phone off which gave me the option to just either look out the window or sleep.

Arriving at a port, we had to ride a smaller vehicle to get to the place where we got dropped off. It wasnt pricey at most php500 should get you there with a lot of spare change atleast a hundred pesos or so to boot.

The place is literally a camp site. You have either the option to rent a tent or a cottage (which basically consists only of a roofed table) for the duration of your stay. We decided to take only 1 of each. (1 tent, 1 cottage). I've already made up my mind to sleep on the cottage so that I can enjoy the evening breeze from the shore. I usually sweat like crazy so no one had qualms about this.

The site is located next to the beach. It had a communal bathroom for people to do their bussiness and lucky for us it was a long weekend that week but we arrived on a sunday just when most people were about to head back so there were fewer people left that stayed that night.

We went for a swim that afternoon an hour after we came and had lunch. We had our infinity adobo and some hotdogs which are a staple. The water felt good. You have the option to stay in spots where it was warm while I preferred the cool spots that you can look for. We decided to rent a paddleboard a few hours after that. My achie seemed to really be into that sport as she enthusiastically taught us. I had a hard time at first and was not really into it since it left me to the mercy of the hot sun. But otherwise it was fun and maybe on a cloudy day, I'd get really into it.

The night was a little troubling for me but only because it was a first. No aircon, no comfy beds. Not even a fan. We were constantly plagued by mosquitoes to boot. We seriously had to light a "katol" a mosquito repellent like incense just to keep them at bay but I swear those barely did the trick. I also had to wait for people to fall asleep before I could do my bussiness in the bathroom. It was a unique experience to say the least. I definitely learned from that one.

The next day, achie and her boyfriend to us to this mini waterfall area which became the highlight of our trip. Although it was small, it was quite beautiful and I felt really refreshed afterwards. The water was murky but definitely cold and best of all we had the place to ourselves for a good hour. Ahia even went up towards the second base to take pictures. It was scary and I doubted my climbing skills so I didnt follow. I dont regret it but I somehow wish I did just to prove myself I can.

That afternoon as we were heading back to leave. Ahia accidentally left our bag which held all our gadgets on the tricycle that took us to and fro to the falls. He had this wild look on his face as he madly dashed to catch up on the driver. It delayed our trip but it was fun to watch ahia lose his cool for the first time. Apparently he had a lot more to lose than I did. I only wouldve lost my phone, he on the otherhand his wallet, id's, atm, phone and more (basically his life) was in there. We were able to retrieve it naman after an hour or so of running. From the tricycle station, to another bayan, to the drivers home, then back to our campsite. Only ahia did it though. Poor him but we definitely had a good laugh about it in the end.

One thing really memorable though was that it  rained hard that afternoon with a few thunderclaps here and there. Achie's bf gave us the instruction to turn our gadgets off as it attracted lightning daw. I personally refused to acknowledge that belief but still followed suit as they turned theirs off. I'm thankful I did because not a few moments later a nearby tent was hit with lightning and a loud bang resounded with it. I swear til this day. Whenever it starts to rain and I hear thunder. I make sure not to test faith and would immediately switch my phone off and then go hide in a well roofed area.

Finishing the trip. We decided to eat off in this wet market dampa place that was famous in blogs that we read. We only took 2 viands. One adobong pusit, the other being prawns bathed in chili. The adobong pusit was a sure fire hit. Definitely willing to go back there just to sample that dish again. It was magic. It was then that I couldn't help but believe that despite the mishaps during the trip, we still were very lucky. Why? We were late but thanks to that we avoided the rush hour and had the place mostly to ourselves, we almost lost our valuables but we were able to retrieve all of them, and lastly, the moment the head cook finished preparing our meals. He left to attend other things so subsequent customers wont be sampling dishes from him but from another cook. So we technically were the last customers to sample his famous dishes. Super lucky di ba? What a way to end a trip. :)

The WHERE: Surviving Caramoan!

Its been way too long since I've last updated this blog. I have been, for the past few months stacking up on my adventures. Here I am to share a few of them.

A lot of things can be said about Caramoan. Being the ideal spot for adventure, it has hosted a few seasons of the popular international show "Survivor".

With untamed waters surrounding fascinating islands, some bearing distinct features making it a perfect island getaway.

My family was lucky enough to have booked a spot during the off seasons, so there were no television companies, save a few bigwigs at the time, surveying the area. They said a new survivor series would start filming the upcoming month.

We stayed there for a few days (3 to be exact). Each day was spent fruitfully, bonding and exploring the place. Now, although there are a lot of resorts in the area, only one of them hosted the actual beach where filming occurs. Lucky for us, we were able rent that place.

The rumors I've been hearing about the Caramoan is real. The place is simply magnificent. To start off, as I've mentioned we stayed in the actual beach resort that survivor rents. The place is called Gota Village which looks like a village of mini wooden houses. Each crafted beautifully and complimented the tropical vibe of the area. We rented three houses/cottages. Each cottage had a total of 2 rooms (1 room with 2 beds, a common room with a bed which doubles as the living, and a bathroom). A family of 7 or more can probably fit into each since the place is really spacey, not to mention the couches are sooo big and comfortable, one might forget there are beds in place. What I liked about it is that other than the ample space and the beautiful earthy vibe, the rooms are equipped with powerful air-conditioning, which I say is a major plus since its a welcome sanctuary from the scorching heat of the outside. The bathrooms are beautiful too. With a glass shower and the bidet for the toilet. I was really impressed. It was Fontana except made of wood. I give it a 10/10.

We ate buffet breakfast, lunch and dinners during our stay. I frankly cannot remember anything special about the food. I guess it goes to show that people really do go there for the scenery. That might be a bit disappointing for some but for me it wasn't so bad. Staff wise, they are really flexible and accommodating. The place was still being renovated that time. They were making improvements, adding a bar for future visitors and I guess esp for foreigners doing business. What irked me though was they had these menu posted but you couldn't make an order for anything unless you're part of the bigwig group from survivor. I think they were focusing on pleasing them so locals or anyone not part of that entourage were excluded from this treatment. Considering we are still paying customers, although I understood their point of view. It still put me a bit off.

Our first day was spent as a day on rest and relaxation. No big activities as we have just arrived. Surveying the area. It looked really nice. The beach had fine sand. No form of trash visible anywhere. Plus one major perk was that the resort itself had its own beach. Sheltered between 2 ragged edges of the mountain surrounding the cove. It looked like a private beach haven. During that time though, a storm was about to come thru so the waves were a bit strong for those who swam.

During the second day, we started on our planned activity which was hiking. Personally, I've always fancied myself as an athletic person. Although I admittedly have gained a few pounds from the past years, I still think I'm up for any sporty event. I was dead wrong. What didn't prepare me for the hike was that the trail itself was difficult. They failed to inform me that we were hiking to one of the viewing decks so to speak. The path was still a little unmade and slick from the evening rain which made climbing so hard. I get that, as much as possible they tried to keep the authenticity of the experience by not changing or altering the terrain so much but really, come on! that hike was risky. The rocks are so sharp and jagged. I wasn't even halfway done when started regretting coming up. I'm not being a baby here I swear. At one point, I abandoned all pretenses and went barefoot even if there were alot of sharp rocks on the way. It was that difficult. I feared my shoes wouldn't make it. Besides it was hard enough to keep my balance on that slick road so I had to do what I had to do to finish it and survive. There was also a time that I had to grip a thorny vine bare handed as there was no option left lest I fall if I don't. Seriously.

Now the view on the top though. Wow! Superb! just spectacular. It made the climb all worth it. You could clearly see the village from below as well as the whole islands from afar. I think I got a taste of survivor from all that. The rest of the day was spent swimming after that. No other activities since I think everyone felt pooped after all that climbing.

On the third day, it was our last for that adventure so we decided to go island hopping. We road these rented long boats. All of which colorful and authentic looking, manned by captain/tour guide who were so kind as to explain to us each island where we visited. I can't remember most of them. I think at most we visited 3. Frankly, because of the still oncoming storm which was predicted to hit that day and mostly also because we all shared the same opinion that you'll just see the same sand and beach anyway. A few notable islands though included the starfish island which we weren't able to visit. I heard that it is really beautiful there. Colorful and abundant with starfish of varying types and sizes. Another is the mythical Bangus (milkfish) island. That island had this mini valley located high inside its hill like formation and within its mini lake there is this giant bangus which was supposed to be magical. Legend has it that it that its been alive for hundreds of years already although there is no way of knowing how it gets its sustenance considering its locked away high up that island. Also it is said that there used to be two fishes but one was caught by a fisherman who later met some bad luck attributed to him taking the fish. I didn't climb that one as I can't handle having to climb that terrain which clearly required me to once again grab and step on sharp rocks. Later that night after sipping a few cold ones with the adults and chilling by this bonfire, we sealed the night.

All in all I clearly understand why Caramoan has kept its charm especially to those looking for an adventure. The place is awesome. With a multitude of islands to explore, Activities to try (too extreme for my family), one will never have a boring time. Whether its to relax or recreate, everyone is bound to find something to love in the place. Just make sure to book it during survivor off seasons, so you can maximize the island hopping experience.