Friday, April 25, 2014

The WHY: Learning to fall (Literary piece)

I wanna fall in love 

Fall in it so deep I get shackled and would willingly lose the key, never to find it again. 

I wanna be immersed in it. To eat, breathe, speak and literally live love.

Forget the money, forget traveling the world, forget that position I've been aiming for my whole life. Forget all those selfish reasons of living. I am willing to forget them all as long as I can stay in love, be in love with you. 


I am not afraid. So long as I can spend every waking moment, every memory, every essence of me bound to you. I don't ever want to forget you. I am willing to lose everything, be anywhere and everywhere as long as it means I get to be with you. See you smile, hear you laugh, watch you do the things you do. My eyes will never tire, my mouth always whispering your name, in my mind forever your face. I love you. I love you. More than I'll ever love life itself.. 

You are of me as I am of you.

